Aviation Weather Systems and Services

Look Before You Fly.

How many times have you had to

The Montis Weather Observation System (MWOS) is a sophisticated tool that goes beyond mere weather observations, offering a multifaceted approach to enhance situational awareness and response capabilities. It provides 360-degree camera images, an extensive array of weather sensor data, ADS-B tracking data, and a suite of analytics and is intended to be installed at airports, vertiports, and roadway locations to improve operational efficiencies. The comprehensive set of features empowers users with the ability to improve operator situational awareness, flight decision-making, flight following, and other operational activities essential to meeting the specific mission-needs of our customers.

Does uncertain weather information impact your decisions?

Solutions and Products


Guiding you every step of the way.

The Montis Weather Observation System (MWOS) is a suite of weather and camera sensors that provide a comprehensive understanding of current visual and textual weather conditions at a given location.

The Montis Cloud Network will gather and process information from available public sources, the MWOS, and other private sources and make it available via the Montis VisRoute website and mobile app to users worldwide.


Montis Weather Observation System

VisRoute Mobile App & Website

Dispatchers and Pilots develop, save and share multiple routes.

Dispatchers and Pilots post company PIREPS.

Inner Company Communications and Special Notices.

ADS-B Fleet Tracking and Flight Following.

MWOS provides critical information where needed.


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Improves flight decision-making, operational efficiencies.

Provides weather observations and ADS-B Tracking.

Data helps improve NWS Area Forecasts.

Reduces uncertainties, cancellations, and turn-arounds.

Partners and Distributors

We work with the best, to give you the best.

At Montis Corporation, our commitment to excellence extends beyond our services; it's deeply ingrained in our partnerships. We believe that to deliver the best, we must work with the best. That's why we collaborate with industry leaders, experts, and cutting-edge technology providers to ensure you receive top-notch solutions tailored to your needs.

Industry Applications

Unlock the potential of weather monitoring

Weather monitoring provides invaluable insights, revolutionizing the way industries work, leading to smarter, safer, and more efficient operations across the spectrum. Explore how weather monitoring enhances safety, efficiency, and informed choices across  these various industries:

  • Federal and State Government
  • Security
  • Construction
  • and More

Federal and State

Empowering governance across industries

Weather monitoring is a cornerstone of effective governance at the federal and state level, impacting various facets of public service, safety, and infrastructure management. State governments across the country rely on timely and accurate weather data to protect citizens, manage resources efficiently, and make informed decisions. Here's how weather monitoring aids the government in their mission to serve and secure their communities:

  • Disaster preparedness and response
  • Ensures transportation safety
  • Optimizes agriculture
  • Infrastructure maintenance
  • Manages water resources
  • Enhances aviation operations


Enhancing security through precision and preparedness

Weather monitoring isn't just about predicting the forecast; it's a critical tool in enhancing security across various sectors. From safeguarding critical infrastructure to ensuring public safety during emergencies, weather data plays an instrumental role in security operations. Explore how weather monitoring aids in bolstering security in an unpredictable world:

  • Ensures infrastructure resilience
  • Safeguards transportation
  • Ensures public safety
  • Supports defense and military operations
  • Enhances security operations


Building With Confidence

Weather monitoring plays a pivotal role in the construction industry, aiding in various aspects of project planning, execution, and safety. Here's how weather monitoring supports construction:

  • Project planning
  • Safety precautions
  • Resource Allocation
  • Site Conditions
  • Quality Control

Other Industries

The wide reach of weather monitoring

Weather monitoring is a versatile and indispensable tool that extends its benefits across an array of industries, driving efficiency, safety, and informed decision-making. From aviation to agriculture, energy to emergency management, explore the diverse sectors that rely on weather monitoring to thrive and protect their interests.

  • Agriculture and Farming
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Tourism and Outdoor Activities
  • Healthcare and Public Health
  • And More

Federal and State

Empowering governance across industries

Weather monitoring is a cornerstone of effective governance at the federal and state level, impacting various facets of public service, safety, and infrastructure management. State governments across the country rely on timely and accurate weather data to protect citizens, manage resources efficiently, and make informed decisions. Here's how weather monitoring aids the government in their mission to serve and secure their communities:

  • Disaster preparedness and response
  • Ensures transportation safety
  • Optimizes agriculture
  • Infrastructure maintenance
  • Manages water resources
  • Enhances aviation operations


Enhancing security through precision and preparedness

Weather monitoring isn't just about predicting the forecast; it's a critical tool in enhancing security across various sectors. From safeguarding critical infrastructure to ensuring public safety during emergencies, weather data plays an instrumental role in security operations. Explore how weather monitoring aids in bolstering security in an unpredictable world:

  • Ensures infrastructure resilience
  • Safeguards transportation
  • Ensures public safety
  • Supports defense and military operations
  • Enhances security operations


Building with confidence

Weather monitoring plays a pivotal role in the construction industry, aiding in various aspects of project planning, execution, and safety. Here's how weather monitoring supports construction:

  • Project planning
  • Safety precautions
  • Resource Allocation 
  • Site Conditions
  • Quality Control

Other Industries

The wide reach of weather monitoring

Weather monitoring is a versatile and indispensable tool that extends its benefits across an array of industries, driving efficiency, safety, and informed decision-making. From aviation to agriculture, energy to emergency management, explore the diverse sectors that rely on weather monitoring to thrive and protect their interests.

  • Agriculture and Farming
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Tourism and Outdoor Activities
  • Healthcare and Public Health
  • And More

  • Mobile App
  • Tech Support
  • MWOS Installations 
  • Maintenance and Repairs
  • Calibrations 
  • Training workshops

Service and Support

Help, where it matters.

At Montis Corporation, we understand that accurate weather data is essential for your operations. That's why we're dedicated to being your trusted partner. Whether you're in aviation, agriculture, energy, construction, or any industry that relies on weather information, count on us to deliver the data, tools, and assistance you need to thrive.


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We value your feedback, questions, and inquiries. Whether you have a specific request, need assistance, or simply want to get in touch, we're here to assist you.

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